Agreement with signing up |
By creating an account here, you are agreeing to let us store the following information about you: (1) personal information in your account profile, (2) any data and related information that you create using ContextMiner, and (3) all the actions that you perform on this website after logging in to your account. You are also agreeing to let us get in touch with you regarding the services that we provide here, if needed. |
NEW - Data and usage |
Starting March 1, 2009, any inactive campaign for one month will be paused and any inactive campaign for three months will be deleted with all its data. In order to keep your campaigns active, you need to log in at least once every month. You will be emailed a warning about possible pausing or deletion of your campaign one week before. |
Email |
On different places on the website, we collect and store your email. We do not sell or share your email or any other such personal information without your permission. We may contact you from time to time via email to communicate important developments or notifications about our services. We hate spam too, so we'll keep such traffic to minimal and provide you options of opting out from the future email communications. |
Rights |
We have the rights to store and analyze the log regarding your logins, activities, and data collection. We may produce reports from such analysis that may be published and viewed by everyone. By signing up for an account here, you are waiving your rights to any action against this. We will do our best not to reveal any private information that may lead to your identification. |
Responsibility |
We will try our best to keep all your data intact. However, in the case of loss or damage to your data collected through this website, we take no responsibility whatsoever. We also do not guarantee regarding the availability of our server, website and other services that we offer here. At any time they may be terminated or lost. In the case of foreseeable closure, we will warn you given we have your proper contact information at that time. |
Change in policies |
Any significant change in these policies will be conveyed to you through email if you have signed up for an account with us. |